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One of our goals as a congregation is to create more opportunity for us to gather and strengthen our community.  That is why we are asking for your help!  By volunteering your time, you will be a part of our congregation's successes.  There are many ways to be involved.  Please take the time to look over the list below and let us know how you can make a personal commitment creating community which will ensure that Rodeph Sholom will be here for future generations.

I am willing to:

  • Host an Oneg
  • Help in the kitchen at services and special events
  • Purchase items for an event
  • Prepare food for an event
  • Help set up for events
  • Greet people, usher and handout books at services
  • Help organize a fundraiser
  • Help organize a special event
  • Serve on the board
  • Sell tickets to an event and/or solicit advertising
  • Attend a work day or cleanup event

Please respond to our volunteer appeal by emailing

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785