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Rodeph Sholom has always taken care of our family's burial needs.  We have three Jewish cemeteries.

Cemetery Locations

Old Rodeph Sholom Cemetery
3602 N. Ola Avenue
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Beth Israel Cemetery
602 W. Indiana
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Tampa Jewish Memorial
Gardens Cemetery
4210 North 56th Street
(near MLK & 56th Street)
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Tampa Jewish Memorial Gardens Cemetery

Plot space is available at the Tampa Jewish Memorial Gardens operated by Congregation Rodeph Sholom (formerly the New Rodeph Sholom Cemetery).  Rodeph Sholom Members $3,000 and Non-Members $3,500 per plot.  Price includes perpetual care.  Interfaith family section available.  Payment plans may be arranged.  Please contact the synagogue office at 813-837-1911 or email at

Cemetery Rules & Regulations

To view our cemetery rules and regulations, click here.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785